Winlock Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
323 Northeast First Street, Winlock, WA 98596
The court sits just above State Road 505.
About the area
When Northern Pacific Railway line from Kalama to Tacoma was completed; a land claimant filed with the County Auditor the orignal plot of the area in the present business district and he named it Winlock. There are some really old stores in this town and any day in town you will find the World's largest egg sitting on a ten-foot steel pole in the grassy median running through the center of town. If your hungry for an omelette; don't try to scramble it. It's made of fiberglass and it would be unpatriotic since it has an ovoid American flag painted on it.
Hon. Steven R. Buzzard. A lot of overtime in his future.
Mailing Address
323 NE 1st St., PO Box 777, Winlock, WA 98596