Brewster Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
105 South Third Street, Brewster, WA 98812
The courts location is convenient to State Road 173.
About the area
Brewster lies along the banks of the lovely Lake Pateros. The first American post of Astor's Pacific Fur Company in Washington was established just north of the present site of Brewster in 1811. Brewster grew as river travel increased along the Columbia and Okanogan Rivers. The increase in river traffic and the coming of the railroad led to the development of mining and logging in the area. Today a significant part of Brewster's economy is the fruit industry; with 5 warehouses, supported by thousands of acres of orchards in the surrounding countryside, packing several million boxes of fruit annually. Salmon fishers have agreat oppotunity to show there prowess during the annual Budweiser/Lowrance King Salmon Derby in Columbia Cove park.
This court is presided over by Hon. David Ebenger
Mailing Address
105 S 3rd St., PO Box 1074, Brewster, WA 98812