Twisp Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
118 South Glover Street, Twisp Wa., Twisp, WA 98856
Speeding on State Road 20 could bring you an invite to the Twisp Court.
About the area
Twisp lies in the Methow Valley which has its origins in two short-lived gold booms. The city of Twisp was founded in 1897 and is a city of about 1000 population whose citizens presnt an eclectic mix. The residents include artists, musicians, writers, ranchers, farmers, entrepreneurs and outdoor enthusiasts. The principal industries include lumber, cattle ranching, agriculture, and tourism. The area and terrain around the city present plenty of opportunies for mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, skiing, snowmobiling, hunting and fishing. For relaxation in the Summer and to cool off you might pay a visit to the Wagner Memorial pool which is located in the city park.
Hon. David Ebenger won't be packing a Derringer when you appear before him.
Mailing Address
Twisp Court
PO Box 278, Twisp, WA 98856