South Bend Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
1102 West First Street, South Bend, WA 98586
If location, location location is the thing this court has it situated just to the South of US Highway 101.
About the area
Four miles South of South Bend is Bruceport County Park which offers campsites and RV hook-ups, picnic areas and a beach trail. This park at one time was a sparsely populated Indian village. This park now welcomes visitors and residents alike. For those who want a glimpse of the ares past; a visit to Margaret Olson Park is in order. Here an old-time steam donkey used in early logging operations and the portable, modular jail which was first used at the original county seat can be seen.
Mailing Address
1102 W 1st St., PO Box 9, South Bend, WA 98586