San Juan County Court [ WA ]
Street Address
Second and Court Streets, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
About the area
The court is within walking distance to the ferry your connection to the other San Juan islands, Anacortes on the mainland or Victoria, British Columbia. The San Juan islands number anywhere from a bit over 400 to nearly 750 islands depending on whether the tide is high or low. Sheep, goats, horses, cattle, llamas, alpacas, rabbits, and fowl are bred at various locales throughout the islands. In the mid 1800's San Juan was settled by the Hudson Bay company. Both the British and the Americans considered the islands theirs. The issue was referred to Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany (as opposed to the one from France) who ruled in favor of the United States. As a result San Juan became an American possession and the boundary between Canada and the United States was set. Now no one pays attention to where the line is.
Hon. Stewart R. Andrew
Mailing Address
PO Box 127, Friday Harbor, WA 98250