Tenino Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
149 Hodgden Street South, Tenino, WA 98589
The court lies within 1 block from State Road 597. The cities of Bucoda and Rainier contract with this court to hold their municipal case proceedings.
About the area
The first settler,who later became the area’s first postmaster, staked his claim in 1851. Other settlers soon took up an adjoining land claim to the west, and settled on the east side of the present town site. The arrival of the railroad, as it did elsewhere in Washington, brought businesses to the area. In the late 1800's a stone company was located on the site of the present city park and pool. A sandstone quarry swimming pool is located in the Tenino City Park between the Quarry House and the Museum. Nice for those hot Summer days. The Tenino Depot Museum is located in the last railroad depot building that served Tenino; which due to the presence of the quarry and stone company was constructed of Tenino sandstone.
Hon. John V. Lyman
Mailing Address
149 Hodgden St S., PO Box 4019, Tenino, WA 98589