Moxee City Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
255 West Seattle Avenue, Moxee City, WA 98936
About the area
Once again a community in this area owes its establishment to the Northern Pacific Railroad. This and rich farmland helped attract many French and French-Canadian farmers. Moxee City's biggest claim to fame is that it's near someplace. The population is under 4000; but they do well and enjoy a low crime rate. In 2000 the population was under 1000. Must be something about Moxee City that people like. The median family income is over $40,000. Not much in the way of business; Lots of residents work from home regularly; although more than 90% of the residents commute to work..
Hon. Susan C. Arb, Judge
Mailing Address
255 W Seattle Ave., PO Box 249, Moxee City, WA 98936