Sunnyside Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
401 Homer Street, Sunnyside, WA 98944
The Sunnyside Municipal court handles all the cases originating in the city of Mobton. If you violate the vehicle codes on the nearby section of IS 82 or the section of Route 22 near Mobton; your next stop will probably be this court.
About the area
Bask in the sun in this city; it enjoys an average of about 300 days of sunshine per year. The city is served by the Sunnyside Canal Irrigation system which is a big factor in the growth of Asparagus, a major crop in this area. The irrigation project encompasses more than 100 acres,
Hon. Steven L. Michels. Judge Michels rings your bell if you come into his court.
Mailing Address
401 Homer St., Sunnyside, WA 98944