Martinsburg Municipal Court [ WV ]
Street Address
232 North Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401
For a large city, Martinsburg does not have a large number of major roads running through it; just US 11, SR 9 and SR 45 but it does have IS 81 running along its Western edge which is accessible from several streets in town.
About the area
This is another one of those cities which changed hands numerous times during the Civil War. The original roundhouse for the Baltimore and Ohio railroad was burned to the ground during this war. A new fully enclosed roundhouse, with cast iron frame was built on the site right after the war. The 50-foot diameter pit below the turntable is thought to include the original 40-foot diameter pit walls. The roundhose is now open for tours. Boydville is an historical property completed around and included on the National Register of Historic Places. The construction of this structure is of two foot stone covered with plaster. The house is as it was when it was completed except for the addition of a sunroom and replacement of the original front portico by a long front porch.
Mailing Address
232 North Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401