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--Gassaway Municipal Court
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Gassaway Municipal Court

Phone 304-364-5111
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Mailing Address Box 147, Gassaway, WV 26624
Street Address 416 Elk St., Gassaway, WV 26624
Fax 4003
SR 4 comes into Gassaway from the West then runs North curving around the town and heading South, basically surrounding the town.
About the area
Gassaway is located on what was once a big farm and was incorporated in the middle of the first decade of the 20th century. When the new Coal & Coke railroad was born; the logical place to to locate the railroad’s shops since the town was situated between the midway between the two terminal points of Elkins and Charleston. The town grew when many of the people working in the shops lived in the town. Many travelers on the new railroad stopped in the town giving rise to 2 hotels, a bank, schools, churches, shops, armory and hospital, but the booming town did not last however its still a nice place to live. The old train station, though unused, still stands in town and some think it is haunted. The station is open to the public just before Halloween for a small admission fee.
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