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Wellsburg Municipal Court

Phone 304-737-2104
Map Google Map
Mailing Address 70 Seventh St., Wellsburg, WV 26070
Street Address 70 7th Street, Wellsburg, WV 26070
Fax 3004
SR 2 runs through all of Wellsburg, but in the Southern part of town it parallels SR 27 which enters from the East.
About the area
During the 17th century, French explorers traveled through this area. In the middle of the 18th century the land around Wellsburg was in contention with both England and Canada laying claim to it. Towards the last quarter of the 18th century both Virginia and Pennsylvania claimed title to the land. However; about the same time three brothers arrived in the area in what is now Wellsburg; built a cabin and staked out land under the Tomahawk rights. Soon after a small settlement was established here with stores, mills and people trading and selling goods. Settlers heading further West stopped in this town to replenish their supplies. In the last part of the 18th century tailors, carpenters, tanners, shoemakers, a hatter and a teacher settled here.
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