Weston Magistrate [ WV ]
Street Address
111 Court Street, Weston, WV 26452
WWW Link
Weston Magistrate is the Magistrate court of Lewis county.
About the area
The West Virginia Museum of American Glass in Weston has some of the most beautiful displays in the world. With over 12,000 pieces neatly displayed in their showcases and an open storage collection in excess of 20,000 pieces this museum gives its visitors a deep sense of the heritage and history of West Virginia glass and glass creations from throughout the United States. The National Marble Museum is now part of the Museum of American Glass. Here you can see many examples of the beautiful marble designs and marble related collectibles. 230 Main Street • Weston, WV 26452 • (304) 269-5006 you the and the people who made it. Over 12,000 pieces are on public display. and thousands of pieces of archival material makes MAG an active, growing, highly visible partner in preserving American glass heritage.
Mailing Address
Box 260, Weston, WV 26452