Weston Municipal Court [ WV ]
Street Address
102 W. 2nd Street, Weston, WV 26452
There are a few good roads for use in Weston; US 19, US 33 and US 119.
About the area
Historical and haunted tours of the Trans- Allegheny Lunatic Asylum are conducted from the end of March to the beginning of November. This building formerly known as Weston State Hospital is located in downtown Weston. This structure, the largest hand-cut stone building in North America, served as a sanctuary for the mentally ill in the mid-1800’s. The architectural and medical history in the treatment of the mentally ill is told by the various sites in the building and the stories of Civil War raids, a gold robbery, the "curative" effects of architecture, and the efforts of determined individuals to help better the lives of the mentally ill. If you love jazz; be sure to attend the Summer Jazz Weekend in late August which begins with the "Weston's Downtown Jazz Stroll".
Mailing Address
102 W. Second St., Weston, WV 26452