Fairmont Municipal Court [ WV ]
304-366-9280 ext 443
Street Address
500 Quincy St., Fairmont, WV 26554
There are a bunch of good roads running through this city such as US 19, US 250, SR 273, SR 310 and a little to the South IS 79
About the area
The first English settlers who remained in what is now Marion County arrived in the Fairmont area during the 1760s. In early 1852, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad came to Fairmont, spurring the economic development of the area in particular the area's coal mining industry. In the same year a suspension bridge connecting Fairmont and Palatine was built to allow foot and wagon traffic between the two cities. Thirteen years later a private normal school opened in Fairmont to provide teachers for the free public schools in every county mandated by the state legislature. To relax with music while you are here you could attend one of the performances of the Fairmont Chamber Music Society which sometimes includes an international artist at St. Peter the Fisherman Church. For some more rousing stuff go to the Sagebrush Roundup at Bunner's Ridge to hear local and regional talent play Country music.
Mailing Address
Five Hundred Quincy St., Fairmont, WV 26554