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Williamson Municipal Court

Phone 304-235-2570
Map Google Map
Mailing Address Box 1517, Williamson, WV 25661
Street Address 108 E. Fourth Avenue, Williamson, WV 25661
Fax 2572
WWW Link
Williamson is well covered with US 52, US 119 and SR 292 running through it.
About the area
Settlers first came to Williamson in the 1790's. Between the years 1800 and 1810, the land that is now downtown Williamson was acquired by one man. After the land was cleared it was resold and the new owner divided the land among his children. After surveyors for a new railroad came to town around 1888, this owner started a land company and divided his land into lots which he sold at auction. Towards the end of that year construction of the railroad was started along with the erection of house and buildings. The railroad was completed around 1892, the same year the town was incorporated. The railroad station was then built in time for the first train to arrive in the city and by the time 1894 arrived; four regular trains stopped in the city.
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