Kingwood Circuit Court [ WV ]
Street Address
101 West Main St., Kingwood, WV 26537
WWW Link
Kingwood Circuit Court is the Eighteenth Circuit Court of Preston County in the Judicial Circuit Court system of West Virginia.
About the area
If you want to get some hearty stuff to eat and like livestock shows plan on being in Kingwood at the end of September to attend the annual Preston County Buckwheat Festival. There are Buckwheat Cake & Sausage dinners each day of the 4 day event. The livestock shows and judging are held for a variety of farm animals including Pigs, Purebred Sheep, Feeder Calves, Cross Bred Heifers, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats and Pure Bred Beef. The festival also includes also the judging of Fire Trucks, carnival rides and all kinds of arts and crafts booths. Be sure to catch the live entertainment and music, the Farmer's parade, the antique, rod & custom car, modified trucks, race car shows and the fireworks which are held at the close.
Hon. Lawrance S. Miller, Jr.
Mailing Address
Preston County Courthouse, Rm. 301, Kingwood, WV 26537