Tough Times? Get a Payment Plan

Union County Courts Liberal with Payment Plans

There is no disputing the economic facts of life.  The unemployment rate is higher than it has been since the early 'eighties.  Many people, motorists included, are working part-time, not because that is what they want, but because that is the only work they can get.  Money is increasingly tight, and many people are having trouble getting credit. 


On the "bright" side, I have observed that  several of the Municipal Courts in Union County have become quite liberal in permitting payment plans covering fines and surcharges.   This is so even in such seemingly affluent communities as  Mountainside and Westfield.   I have seen weekly and monthly arrangements.  And often  no interest  is charged.  I have seen this even where a case has been negatiated to a lesser violation.


Motorists and their counsel should bear this in mind.