Stuttgart Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
302 South College Street, Stuttgart, AR 72160
Stuttgart Circuit Court serves as the Northern district branch of the Eleventh East Judicial Circuit Court of Arkansas County in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system and can be found in the same building as the Stuttgart County court.
About the area
With the Arkansas Grand Prairie, surrounding Stuttgart, where commercial production of rice was pioneered around 1904 and the rice fields and irrigation reservoirs attract the the annual migration of ducks and geese on the Mississippi Flyway to linger; the town came to be known as the rice and duck capital of the world. As a result each Thanksgiving Week; the annual World's Championship Duck Calling contest and annual Wings Over the Prairie festival are held. The festival has a carnival midway, cook-offs, crafts vendors, hunting gear for sale, dances, commercial exhibits and collectibles.
Mailing Address
302 South College St., Stuttgart, AR 72160