Hamburg Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
205 E. Jefferson Street, Hamburg, AR 71646
WWW Link
Hamburg Circuit Court can be considered to be the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Ashley County in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. Both the Hamburg circuit court and the Hamburg county court are located in the same building.
About the area
Although many of the historic buildings have disappeared, enough of them have been preserved in the Commercial Historic district for it to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Some of the buildings date back to the early 20th century. After World War II, the small farmers in town sold out to larger agricultural units. The town at one time was the residence of writer Charles “Buddy” Portis, the author of novels such as True Grit, Norwood, and Dog of the South and professional basketball standout Scottie Pippen.
Mailing Address
205 E. Jefferson St., Hamburg, AR 71646