Eureka Springs Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
44 South Main Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Eureka Springs Circuit Court is also known as the Western district branch of the Nineteenth East Circuit Court of Carroll county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. This court has the same clerk's office, phone number, fax number and is located in the same building as the Eureka Springs County court. The Eastern and Western districts of Carroll county are considered to be divided by the Kings river.
About the area
You have a chance to be introduced to some of the exciting history and untold stories of Eureka Springs by taking the Hell Raisers, Hoodlums and Heated History Walking tour from Basin Spring Park. The guides relate stories of Eureka Springs' Wild West period and you will be introduced to the mysteries of an underground city made up of unexplained underground buildings that lie under the streets. You will also be able to visit some of the spots where some of the characters who make up the history of the city, such as Carry Nation and the Doolin-Dalton Gang, were seen.
Mailing Address
Forty-Four S. Main St., Eureka Springs, AR 72632