Eureka Springs District Court [ AR ]
Street Address
44 South Main Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
WWW Link
Eureka Springs District Court is the district court of the Western district of Carroll county. Cases arising from traffic infractions occurring throughout the Western district are heard in this court.
About the area
The City of Eureka Springs was founded and named on the date of the birth of our nation July 4, 1879. By the end of that year the population reached an astounding population of approximately 10,000. The Eureka Springs Historical museum is housed in three floors of the historic Calif House, circa 1889. In the museum there are photographs and exhibits depicting the history of Eureka Springs and a replica early twentieth-century parlor. The upper floor of the museum is an art gallery displaying the works of the various artists who have worked in Eureka Springs. Spring Street, the downtown of Eureka Springs, with its Victorian buildings is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Yo can get around to almost everywhere in town riding a convenience of the past, the Eureka Springs Trolley service.
Hon. Tim Parker
Mailing Address
44 S. Main St., Eureka Springs, AR 72632