Green Forest District Court [ AR ]
Street Address
203 South Springfield Avenue, Green Forest, AR 72638
WWW Link
Green Forest District Court is a district court in the Eastern district of Carroll county. SR 103 and SR 311 end at US 62 in Green Forest.
About the area
This town originally named Scott's Prairie, whose first settler came around 1828, was renamed around 1895 to its present name of Green Forest. The post office, established around 1855, with its pot belly stove was a gathering place for many of the town folks. This is a town whose downtown has much the same stores as it has for a long time. In the center of it all sits a gazebo and around the square you can find antique stores, a café, a furniture store, florist, hardware store, library and interspersed among these gathering places. Helen Gurley Brown, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine for 32 years, was a native of this city.
Mailing Address
Box 1510, Green Forest, AR 72638