Guy District Court [ AR ]
Street Address
405 Highway 25 North, Guy, AR 72061
Guy District Court is one of the many state district courts in Faulkner county. SR 25 is the only major road running Through Guy.
About the area
Although the orchards around this town grow apples and strawberries as well as peaches; it's the peaches that bring people from other areas and has given rise to the city's new annual Peachfest in mid July. The festival kicks off with a beauty pageant, a rodeo at Tom Henry arena and live music at Guy City park on the first day. On the second day things really get going with the the peach cook-off and peach eating and spitting contests. That's not all folks; there are vendors and other activities added to the live music music providing by a few different bands throughout the celebration.
Mailing Address
Box 12, Guy, AR 72061