Salem Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
123 South Main Street, Salem, AR 72576
Salem Circuit Court is the Sixteenth Circuit Court of Fulton county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. It has the same clerk, mailing address, phone number, fax number and is located in the same building as the Salem County court which is the county court of Fulton county.
About the area
Salem celebrates its city with the annual Fulton County Homecoming festival at the end of May on Court square. Some of the events which take place at this festival are the open street market, Apple Pie 5K Run, Squirt Race, Horseshoe Pitching, Terrapin Race, Apple Pie Baking contest and auction, music and the Parade. A street dance with live band music is held on the South side of Court square. There is also an opportunity to taste some fresh cooked food at the Fish Fry at the Salem Senior Citizens center and the Barbecue dinner on the Court Square.
Mailing Address
Box 219, Salem, AR 72576