Hot Springs County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
501 Ouachita Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901
Hot Springs County Court can also be called by its more formal name, Garland County Court. It be found in the same building as the Hot Springs Circuit court.
About the area
The Northern end of Hot Springs is surrounded by Hot Springs National park. This is where visitors can enjoy the thermal waters issuing forth from the springs located in the bathhouses of the park. The Lamar Bathhouse building, circa 1923 is of stone, brick, and stucco construction matching its sister bathhouses in the park with its Spanish style. It no longer offers bathhouse facilities. The Fordyce bathhouse is also no longer open as a bathhouse but its splendid marble and stained glass transoms and shell fountain in the lobby are worth seeing. You can also visit the the Fordyce Spring and the exhibits displayed in one of the former dressing rooms. There are eight bathhouse all told in bathhouse row which were built from 1892 to 1923 and are designated as a National Historic Landmark District. These buildings are a far cry from the original bathhouses which were crude structures of canvas and lumber and built over individual springs or reservoirs.
Mailing Address
501 Ouachita Ave., Hot Springs, AR 71901