Hope County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
400 S. Washtington Street, Hope, AR 71801
Hope County Court might known by some of the natives as the county court of Hempstead county. It can be found in the same courthouse as the Hope circuit court.
About the area
This town claims to have the world's largest watermelons and they will prove it to you at their annual Hope Watermelon festival held in June at Fair park. The festival is three days of one of Arkansas' largest arts and crafts shows, live music, adult games and children's Activities, lots of good food, antique car and antique engine shows and a softball tournament. So you do not forget what you came here for; there's ice cold Hope watermelon by the slice. The Hope/Hempstead county Chamber of Commerce also sponsors three Bluegrass festivals each year at the Fair Park coliseum. The winter Bluegrass show is held in February, the Mother's Day week-end festival in May and the fall festival in November. Each of them is free to the pubic and has performances by national, regional and local Bluegrass acts.
Mailing Address
Box 1420, Hope, AR 71801