Batesville Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
192 E. Main Street, Batesville , AR 72501
Batesville Circuit Court is formally known as the Sixteenth Circuit Court of Independence county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. It is located in the same building as the Independence County court.
About the area
Batesville has quite a few facilities where its citizens can enjoy outdoor recreation and sports activities. They include the Batesville Municipal Golf course, Riverside and Kennedy carks, Fitzhugh Ball carks and pool and the North Complex Ball parks and pool. There is also the Batesville Riverwalk, a walking and bike trail that runs along the banks of the White River. At the beginning and end of the trail there are overlooks from which you can can catch splendid views of the river. The trail is also available for night walks with its bright illumination along its entirety.
Mailing Address
192 East Main Street, Batesville , AR 72501