Batesville County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
192 East Main Street, Batesville , AR 72501
Batesville County Court is also known as the County Court of Independence county. It can be found in the same building as the Batesville Circuit court.
About the area
The annual White River Water Carnival held in early September, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, is a fun event. It starts with a parade down Main Street to Riverside Park for the remainder of the festivities. These include the Chicken Wing cook-off, Celebrity Lawn Mower race, Arkansas Lawn Mower Racing Association race, Rubber Ducky regatta, White River’s Got Talent Youth and Adult finals and the Bone Collector Hot Wing Eating Contest finale. In addition there are arts and crafts vendors selling their wares throughout the day and live musical entertainment in the evening followed by the Fireworks display.
Mailing Address
192 East Main St., Batesville , AR 72501