Pine Bluff County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
101 W. Barraque Street, Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Pine Bluff County Court is also known as the Jefferson county court. You can locate it in the same building as the Pine Bluff Circuit court.
About the area
Pine Bluff's Regional Park Complex sits along the Arkansas river and has something for everyone who wants to enjoy the outdoors. The park has a large softball complex, a picnic area with some covered tables and grills, a Radio Control Model Airplane Flying facility, the Civitan playground, the Ben Pearson Memorial Archery range and an amphitheater. For those with RV's who want to spend the night, the park has a recreational vehicle park with electric and water hookups. Fisherman and boaters will find a boat ramp in the park. This spot is the site of a large number of fishing tournaments each year.
Mailing Address
Box 6317, Pine Bluff, AR 71611