Booneville District Court [ AR ]
Street Address
462 E. 5th Street, Booneville, AR 72927
WWW Link
Booneville District Court is a district court in the Southern district of Logan county. SR 10, SR 23, SR 116 and SR 217 all run through Booneville.
About the area
The Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium which opened in Booneville around 1910 was the largest facility of its kind in the U.S. The buildings were designed and constructed in the Art Deco, Colonial Revival and Craftsman style of architecture. The complex included a state of the art dairy and large cannery to process the foods, a movie theater, post office, library, Church, barber shop and elementary school. The museum was created to to preserve the history of the Sanatorium and to remember the over 70,000 patients who were treated here and the over 5,000 employees who for them. It was the largest employer in Logan county during its years of operation. The museum is now open for group tours and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Hon. Betsy Danielson
Mailing Address
462 E. Fifth St., Booneville, AR 72927