Blytheville Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
200 W. Walnut Street, Blytheville, AR 72316
Blytheville Circuit Court is the Chickasawba district branch of the Second Judicial Circuit court of Mississippi County in the Arkansas Circuit court system.
About the area
When the Ritz theater was built in the early 1900's it opened as an opera house. Its existence was short lived as it was damaged by fire at the beginning of the 1930's. However the building was rebuilt and at the beginning of the 1950's, took on its late-Streamline Moderne style. In the 1990's it was restored to its 1950's appearance and is now the Ritz Civic center. As such it is a site where live shows are presented by local and touring groups and also houses the Arts Council which presents displays in the theatre’s lobby area.
Mailing Address
Box 1498, Blytheville, AR 72316