Camden Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
145 Jefferson, Southwest, Camden, AR 71701
Camden Circuit Court is also known as the Thirteenth Circuit Court of Ouachita county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system.
About the area
The Graham-Gaughan-Betts Home on West Washington Street was first built for a Major in the US Army whose wife was a cousin to George Washington. The construction of the house is unusual not only in the fact that the doors, blinds, windows, transoms were hand built but that the assembly of the house is with heavy timbers held together with wooden pegs. Although the lady of the house was a strong supporter of the Confederacy during the Civil War; a commander of Union forces made the house his headquarters for a short time. It is reported however that he and the lady of the lady of the house, discovering that they had a mutual friend in New York, had a congenial relationship. The furnishings in the house are of period furniture and it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Mailing Address
145 Jefferson, SW, Camden, AR 71701