Perryville Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
713 Aplin Avenue, Perryville, AR 72126
Perryville Circuit Court is also known as the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court of Perry County in the Arkansas Circuit court system. The circuit court and county court are located in the same building.
About the area
The Perry County Historical museum is located in a building erected in the 1930's by the Civilian Conservation Corps and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The building features heavy stone walls made from field stone plucked from Perry County's mountainous terrain. Inside the structure there are polished hardwood floors, a huge stone fireplace and soaring vaulted ceilings. It exhibits examples of fine rural craftsmanship from the hand hewn walnut doors to the hand-forged hardware made from Model T Ford axels. Among the treasures from Perry County’s past there is an unusual piece; a great hall light fixture made from a World War I Sopwith Camel airplane.
Mailing Address
Box 358, Perryville, AR 72126