Perryville County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
713 Aplin Avenue, Perryville, AR 72126
Perryville County Court is probably known by some as the county court of Perry county and is located in the same building as the Perryville circuit court.
About the area
The Flatside Wilderness area, which includes a part of the Ouachita National forest, is accessible only by horse or foot travel. There are picnic areas in this park and you can camp overnight. White Oak Mountain, at approximately 1,650 feet and Forked Mountain at about 1,350 feet make a stunning sight from the park and Flatside Pinnacle, a close to 1,550-foot high rock outcrop outside the northeast boundary lends its name to the park. There are also two waterfalls in the park; Forked Mountain falls and Twist Cascade falls which are both located near Forked Mountain.
Mailing Address
310 W. Main St., Perryville, AR 72126