Mena County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
507 Church Avenue, Mena, AR 71953
WWW Link
Mena County Court is also probably known by folks around here as the Polk County Court. If you are looking for this court you can find it in the same building as the Mena County court.
About the area
Two restored structures might be of interest if you want see a bit of Mena in the 1920's. The old Kansas City Southern railroad Mena train depot on US 71, circa, 1920 has been fully restored. It now houses the Chamber of Commerce, a travel agency and a small historical museum. Under one of the station's overhangs you can find a 1939 Dodge police car. The restored Esso Gas Station, circa 1928, is now a museum housing rare muscle, classic, and antique cars, street rods, motorcycles and other automobile memorabilia. If come here on the right day you will also find a farmer's market with fresh fruit and vegetables the year round.
Mailing Address
507 Church Ave., Mena, AR 71953