Russellville County Court [ AR ]
Street Address
101 West Main Street, Russellville, AR 72801
Russellville County Court is the county court of Pope county. It is located in the same building as the Russellville circuit court.
About the area
The Arkansas River Valley Arts Center displays exhibits which are changed each month. It also holds classes and workshops throughout the year for adults and children. The center also sponsors, in conjunction with the Russellville Downtown association, the Downtown Art Walk. This event is held four times a year and is the scene of live music, art displays and plenty of food. If you are in the mood for entertainment you might look to the campus of Russellville High School where the Center for the Arts is located. This facility with a theater seating over 1,800 plays host to musicals, dance, concerts, orchestra, pageants and corporate events including student performances and activities, performances by nationally recognized artists and touring Broadway musicals. The facility also has a BlackBox theatre, art gallery, dressing rooms and orchestra pit.
Mailing Address
100 West Main St., Russellville, AR 72801