Marshall Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
200 Spring Street, Marshall, AR 72650
Marshall Circuit Court is formally known as the Twentieth Circuit Court of Searcy county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. The Marshall County court has the same clerk's office, mailing address, phone number, fax number and is located in the same building as this court.
About the area
The Buffalo National River is a national park covering over 90,000 acres in which the natural landscape and terrain of the Arkansas Ozarks is maintained. During the Civil War this area was a battleground. The constant battles caused residents of the area to lose their homes, farms, possessions and lives. Guides provide a narrative about the skirmish sites, saltpeter caves and Civil War era farms. The Tyler Bend Visitor center has exhibits which depict the story of the Buffalo National River including recreation, the establishment of the park, prehistoric and pioneer history, flora and fauna
Mailing Address
Box 998, Marshall, AR 72650