Fort Smith Circuit Court [ AR ]
Street Address
901 South B Street, Fort Smith, AR, Fort Smith, AR 72902
Fort Smith Circuit Court is the Fort Smith district branch of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court of Sebastian County in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system.
About the area
This town is unique in that the place to receive a warm welcome and plenty of information about the town is Miss Laura’s Social Club, a former bordello that was the first to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places and is now the Fort Smith Visitors center. Try to visit the Fort Smith National Historic Site where guides will help you to get an idea of the history of the area. Among the things you will see here are the reproduction of the 1886 gallows used during Judge Parker's time in the Federal court, the Railroad Crossing which saw the the forced removal of the Choctaw Nation tribes to Indian Country, the Trail of Tears Overlook near where the Indian tribes stopped at Fort Smith and received supplies before reaching their destinations, the Frisco Station which houses the offices of the United States Marshal Museum, the Guard House, the Commissary, the Officers' Quarters, the Officers' Garden and the barracks which subsequently served as a courthouse and jail.
Mailing Address
Sebastian County Courts Bldg., Fort Smith, AR 72902