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Taft Superior Court

Phone (661) 763-8566, 763-8531 (or is that the fax?)
Map Google Map
Mailing Address Taft-Maricopa Superior Court
311 Lincoln Street, Taft, CA 93268
Street Address 311 Lincoln St, Taft, CA 93268
WWW Link
Court serves both Taft and Maricopa. It handles traffic and some criminal matters.
About the area
Taft is known as the oil town because it is located right in the middle of some major oil reserves of California. The majority of people work in the oil fields and they are the major employers for the nearby towns. It is one of the few cities which is dependent on the oil industry still in the United States and has not caught up with the global IT craze. The city can get very hot in summers but winters other times of the year it is an ideal place to visit. Most of them are business visitors in the city so it has an active Hotel system. The only prominent event that takes place in the city is in November when they celebrate the Oil Dorado festival. This is a major festival in the area and they do a plenty of things like have a beauty contest, rock shows and also parade’s. When there are rock shows and popular bands are playing the city sees a lot of visitors from all over.
Beautiful mountains, farms, and Fort Tejon State Park are all within reach of Taft and Maricopa residents.
Judge Craig Phillips
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Old Comments about Taft Superior Court (hide)

Mar 20 2010 14:56:28: Chief Judge liver Wendell Wanger said it sounds like the problem is with the Kern County Judiciary. Search "craig phillips" California Superior Court - looking for Kern County voters to finally get rid of one of the problems.