Dannemora Town Court [ NY ]
Thomas B. Mafrici
Street Address
1168 Cook Street, Dannemora, NY 12929
Apparently a not so nice article in the NY Times said this about Dannemora: “…several people in the small town of Dannemora were intimidated by their longtime justice, Thomas R. Buckley, a phone-company repairman who cursed at defendants and jailed them without bail or a trial, state disciplinary officials found. Feuding with a neighbor over her dog’s running loose, he threatened to jail her and ordered the dog killed. “I just follow my own common sense,” Mr. Buckley, in an interview, said of his 13 years on the bench. “And the hell with the law.””
About the area
This is a beautiful area, most notably during leaf peeping season. The town of Dannemora is most well known for its maximum security prison which not only employs a large population of the area but also has held within it’s walls some of the nation’s most infamous criminals, such as the Son of Sam.
Judge Thomas M. Douglas
Clinton County DA: Andrew Wiley
Type Of Cases
Speeding tickets, domestic disputes, inmate cases too.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 658, Dannemora, NY 12929