Augusta Town Court [ NY ]
(315) 821 3814
Thomas B. Mafrici
Street Address
185 Main Street, Oriskany Falls, NY 13425
** Street address may not be perfect, and may not map accurately. Thanks to the town supervisor for updating us on the phone number.
About the area
Augusta was formed by the town of Whitestown in 1798 and today has over 1,000 people living there. A little town where Augustus Van Horn had spent time. The town history shows that there were several businesses that helped keep the town going. Mechanic shops helping keep trucks in good condition to transport goods from the area. Timber industry was pretty good with some saw mills in the area. The town has an old style of living and many people are farmers.
Mailing Address
PO Box 671
185 North Main Street **, Oriskany Falls, NY 13425