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--Calhoun County
--Calhoun County Circuit Court
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Calhoun County Circuit Court

Phone 803.874-3524
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Mailing Address PO Box 709, St. Matthews, SC 29135
Street Address 902 F.R. Huff Drive, St. Matthews, SC 29135
Fax 874.1942
About the area
You are visiting St.Mathew and for once you would like to know something normal about the city other than demographic information. Yes there are many things of interest in the city actually. Well not right in the city but you need to travel a good 30 miles for the nearest point of interest. On the Interstate 26 you will com across the Calhoun Traffic court, Museum and some really good antique shops and bistros.
Tips from Lawyers

This Traffic Court directory is being developed by SpinJ Corporation. Copyright © 2007 SpinJ Corporation.

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