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Geneseo Municipal Court

Phone 620-824-6232
Map Google Map
Mailing Address Box 257, Geneseo, KS 67444
Street Address 600 Main Street, Geneseo, KS 67444
Fax 824-6529
SR 4 could well be considered the Northern border of Geneseo.
About the area
Around 1886 the Santa Fe and Missouri Pacific rairoads wanted to build a crossing for the two on land that became Geneseo. The Missouri Pacific ended up building the crossing and the Salina, Sterling and El Paso was built to link Wichita with the main line of the Missouri Pacific. Seizing the opportunity to cash in on the potential at this site; a group of investors formed the Geneseo Town company. The town grew rapidly and by 1887 had a population exceeding 600. When the first successful oil well came in at the Geneseo field around 1934 it soon caused Geneseo to become a boom town. Much of the economy rapidly became dependent upon the oil industry and developed businesses to support it.
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