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--Romulus Town Court
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Romulus Town Court

Phone 607-869-9650
Map Google Map
Mailing Address PO Box 274, Willard, NY 14588
Attorney Advertisement Thomas B. Mafrici 315-699-3095
Street Address 1435 Prospect Street, Willard, NY 14588
Fax 607-869-9670
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Romulus Court is pretty quiet with a good court staff. Physical and mailing addresses differ.
About the area
Before the town was starting to establish in the 1700's the Cayuga nation and Seneca nation still had control over the area. The Jesuit missionaries then settled in and wanted to convert the Native people to Catholicism. When the natives refused the Jesuits took over causing conflicts to arise. The town was then called Kendaia or Apple town and the nations decided to destroy it. They knew that more settlers would invade and did not want them to take the town. The area was then established by the name of Romulus as in the founder of Rome. Seneca army depot and a significant state park are in the town.
Hours of Operation M-F 2pm court is in session
Hon. Kathleen M. Greule
ADA is in court on the 4th Wednesday at 2 o-clock.
Type Of Cases DWI, Traffic violations, criminal cases, especially from Five Points CF when the inmates get in trouble.
Tips from Lawyers

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