
Traffic Signs and Safety for Kids

By Warren Redlich

Traffic Signs And Safety For Kids!

Traffic safety is important, and it can also be a fun topic to learn about! Cars, bicycles, and buses make our lives easier and more convenient. However, they can also create dangers for kids and adults. The most basic rule about traffic safety is that you must always be careful and respectful when you are on or near a road or any type of moving vehicle, even a bike. When you have learned a few important rules about traffic safety, you will be able to enjoy biking, bus riding, and other traffic activities.

Traffic Signs and Lights

Traffic lights are electronic signals that change on a timer, which allows cars in each part of an intersection to take turns stopping and going. Most kids know that the green, yellow, and red traffic lights tell drivers when to go, slow down, and stop. Sometimes lights at an intersection are blinking, which indicates that cars should stop if the light is blinking red or use caution if it is blinking yellow.

Unlike electronic traffic lights, traffic signs always stay the same. You might already be able to recognize certain types of traffic signs, such as the octagonal red stop sign and the round yellow railroad crossing sign. Did you know that traffic signs can give drivers many different types of information? Some signs give instructions about what to do next, such as a rectangular white speed limit sign or a sign that tells drivers to yield to pedestrians at a crosswalk. Most types of yellow diamond-shaped signs are there to warn drivers about dangers in the road up ahead. Other types of brown or green signs help drivers find their way.

Biking Safety

An important part of biking safety is protecting your head with a helmet. It is important to wear a bike helmet every single time you ride a bicycle, because a crash can give you a serious head injury even if you’re not going very fast. In many states, kids are required to wear helmets when using bicycles. Your helmet needs to be in good condition, and it should fit snugly but not feel too tight. You should also make sure that your bicycle is the right size for your body, and you may need to ask an adult to help you adjust it to fit. Make sure that your tires and brakes are in good condition before every bike ride.

Being safe on your bicycle involves being in control of the bike. Don’t try to carry anything on the bike with you. Instead, use a bike basket or a backpack so that you can have both hands free to control the handlebars. Always keep a sharp eye out for anything in your path that could cause an accident, such as animals, potholes, gravel, slippery leaves, or broken glass.

Another aspect of bike safety is making certain that drivers of cars can see you clearly. If possible, avoid riding your bike at night, when there is a greater danger of being injured in an accident. Always wear bright or neon colors when you ride. It’s a good idea to also have something on your clothes and bike that will reflect light, like reflective tape.

Remember that your bike is a vehicle, not a toy. If you ride on the road, you must follow the same rules as car drivers. Ride in the same direction as other vehicles on the road, and obey all traffic signals and signs. If there is a bike lane, use it! Remember to yield for pedestrians in a crosswalk, just as a car would do. Use special caution around parked cars. Always use hand signals to show other drivers what you are going to do next. It’s important to stay alert for dangers, so you should never ride with headphones on.

Car Safety

As a kid, there are two important things you can do to stay safe when riding in a car. The first rule to remember is that you should not sit in the front seat if you are under 13 years old. Front seats are dangerous for kids because you can be severely injured by an airbag if an accident happens. Air bags are designed to protect adults, whose bodies are much larger. The safest place for kids is in the back seat. Kids who are between 4 and 8 years old need to use a booster seat, and kids younger than 4 should be in a car seat. The second important rule of car safety is that all kids, no matter where they sit, must wear a seat belt anytime they are in a car.

Seat belts are important because if an accident happens, the seat belt will keep you safely in the same seated position. There are different types of seat belts depending on what type of car you are riding in. No matter what type of belt is available, remember that you should always buckle every belt in order to stay safe. The lower part of the belt goes across your hips, not your belly. The upper part of the belt needs to rest across your shoulder, and it should never be placed behind your arm or your back. If you need help getting your belt to fit you correctly, ask an adult for help. Remember that a seat belt is only for one person, so never share a belt with anyone else.

School Bus Safety

It can be fun to ride a school bus with friends and classmates, but it’s important to know the rules of bus safety. Being safe on a school bus actually begins before you get on the bus. When you are waiting at the bus stop, don’t move toward the bus until the driver has opened the door. If you have to cross the street to reach the bus, don’t walk across until the bus is completely stopped and the red lights are flashing. A group of kids should get onto the bus one person a time. If your bus has seat belts, be sure to buckle up immediately. During the bus ride, stay in your seat and obey all instructions from the driver.

When the bus arrives at your destination, use caution in getting off the bus. Make sure your backpack or purse isn’t caught in the bus door. Always walk in front of the bus so that the bus driver can see you. If you happen to drop something, don’t bend down to get it! Instead, walk back to the bus door and tell the driver that you dropped something, and follow the driver’s instructions about what to do next.